Winterline Museum
The Winterline Venafro museum in Italy is the result of several years of researches on the battlefields made by the Winterline Venafro association, a group of five person, Luciano Bucci, Renato Dolcigno, Donato Pasquale, Domenico Vecchiarino and Rosario Malfatti who started a big work of second world war history preservation collecting an huge quantity of original items from second world war battlefields.
In 2007 the Winterline Venafro Association met the First Special Service Force Association and, since than, a big friendship born between them.
The Winterline Venafro Association works every year to guest the Italian tours of the First Special Service Force Association, helping the Veterans and their relatives to find the places and the pats of their stories, making the way to follow the footsteps of the Force in the Winterline Campaign.
If you want know more about the Winterline Venafro Association visit the website