V-42 Replicas
Paul Chen Replica - - OUT OF STOCK - I do not have an approx date for when the manufacturer will have them available again. This is the MOST accurate replica of the V-42 on the market without the pricetag of the new one made by Case. I believe it even outshines the Case made replicas of the 90's. It is the correct length, most correct sheath with the rivets and metal teeth marks and is the closest thing to the original washer leather handle.
Economy V-42 Replica - New version - Back IN STOCK!!! This is the newest economy version of a replica V-42. Although not as accurate it still is similar and has a great look to it. Leather washer handles is very similar to the old economy version. The drawbacks on this replica is there is no sheath, no thumbprint, no leather on the cross section of the handle. Having said that it would be best if you just wanted the knife for display without a sheath or just to show people what the knife looked like.
To see more photos of each replica just click on the photos.
Economy V-42 Replica - New version - Back IN STOCK!!! This is the newest economy version of a replica V-42. Although not as accurate it still is similar and has a great look to it. Leather washer handles is very similar to the old economy version. The drawbacks on this replica is there is no sheath, no thumbprint, no leather on the cross section of the handle. Having said that it would be best if you just wanted the knife for display without a sheath or just to show people what the knife looked like.
To see more photos of each replica just click on the photos.