73rd FSSFA Reunion to be held in Rockford, Illinois, USA The dates are September 18th through 21st, 2019. Please note that the Banquet is on the night of Saturday the 21st. If you are planning on attending, please book your room accordingly.
Above are the dates and location of this year's reunion. There will be a lot more information coming out in March, but we really wanted you to have the information for booking your accommodations. For the Association to get credit for your booking, please mention the code FSS when making your reservation. Any rooms booked under that code will bring us closer to having our meeting spaces comped. The hotel is the Holiday Inn in Rockford, Illinois at I-90 & Route 20/State St. Their phone number is 1-815-398-2200 or 1-800-HOLIDAY (1-800-465-4329).
The reason for the move from August to September is due to Rockford holding the largest WWII re-enactment in North America over our scheduled weekend. The site is on the 148 acres of the Midway Village Museum. Please take a look at: http://www.midwayvillage.com. There will be a lot more information coming out soon. Also, be sure to check out our official reunion Facebook page and the First Special Service Force (Official) group as someone from your board will be occasionally posting things. You can find them on Facebook when searching @firstspecialserviceforcereunion and https://www.facebook.com/groups/FirstSpecialServiceForce/. Many thanks to Robert Schober, who is our 'boots on the ground' and is putting together additional information and a registration form for our next Spearhead. Cindy Hofeld
Airports Near Rockford, IL: Chicago Rockford International Airport O’Hare International Airport Chicago Midway International Airport